Leadership Assessment
All roles have unique requirements for behavior as well as inherent rewards that motivate the person in that position. Organizations also have a predominant culture that drives performance excellence. When the role’s required behaviors, rewards and culture are in line with the behaviors and values of the employee, performance excels.
Elinvar understands that how a leader leads is as important as what they accomplish. The assessment we have chosen to incorporate with our search process has been validated for use in a robust selection process. With over ten years of experience using TTI Talent Insights as a part of every search, we advise our clients on the leadership style each candidate will bring to the organization. This includes helping them understand how that will impact the way the leader will conduct themselves when interacting with the many stakeholders that are critical to the organization’s success.
Elinvar’s proprietary job benchmarking process involves key stakeholders who assess the job based on its key accountabilities, which describe why it truly exists. We facilitate a “What-Why-How” brainstorming session and determine the key accountabilities, as well as ranking them in terms of importance and time spent. Following this session, the stakeholders complete an on-line assessment and their responses are combined. This combined report uncovers the job-related behaviors and values that are specific to the role.
People have unique behaviors and values that can be matched to roles, but seldom are! When a person’s behaviors and values are in sync with those required by the job, the result is increased performance and retention. After completing the job benchmark, we will have defined behaviors and values that are crucial to finding the right fit. Please note that this assessment has been validated by the EEOC for use in a robust selection process.

The final candidates who complete the assessments, respond to questions that uncover these unique behaviors and values. Each final candidate is assessed, the results are reviewed with them, and their results are compared with the benchmark created. With this valuable information, we compare and match the role’s required behaviors, rewards and culture to the ideal candidate’s natural behaviors and values, thus giving you objective data to determine the match. The comparison indicates where the candidate falls within the scale of common job-related behaviors. When the job’s rewards and culture are in line with the person performing the job, the result is performance excellence and the leadership style you desire.
Your final candidate will be able to effortlessly do the job and will perform the way you want them to while they are meeting your goals.
Ready to get started?
Please contact us at 919-622-5141 or email patti@elinvar.com to learn more about how can work together.